Staatssecretaris Raymond Knops: “Ik ben al langer met het bestuurscollege in gesprek over de hoogte van de vrije uitkering en het tekort aan structurele financiële middelen. Saba heeft de afgelopen jaren laten zien het financieel beheer en de rechtmatige besteding van middelen op orde te hebben. Met deze bijdrage wil ik Saba dan ook graag tegemoetkomen.”
In vergelijking tot Bonaire en Sint Eustatius, de twee andere openbare lichamen binnen Caribisch Nederland, beschikt Saba over weinig liquiditeiten. Daardoor heeft Saba de afgelopen tijd steeds vaker incidentele middelen moet inzetten om structurele kosten te dekken. De toevoeging van dit bedrag aan de vrije uitkering wordt gefinaliseerd, na goedkeuring door de Staten-Generaal.
Staatssecretaris Knops: “Op de langere termijn moet via de uitwerking van de adviezen uit het Raad van State onderzoek en het Interdepartementaal Beleidsonderzoek toegewerkt worden naar een structurele oplossing.”
De Sabaanse gedeputeerde Bruce Zagers van Financiën is zeer content met deze extra bijdrage vanuit het ministerie.
The Public Entity can use this additional financial contribution to help finance areas in the 2021 budget that were lacking due to the shortage of means.
Commissioner Zagers: “Although this is only incidental financial assistance, it will go a long way in allowing the public entity to meet its legal obligations without having to reduce the quality of services. It will also improve the liquidity position which has been weakened during the past few years.”
The 2021 budget, approved by the Saba Island Council in November last year, showed a deficit of over US $1.3 million. This was the first time that Saba presented a budget deficit since it became a public entity of the Netherlands in 2010. The free allowance in the 2021 budget was a little over US $10.2 million, an amount that has basically remained the same since 2012. The free allowance is insufficient to cover government’s structural and operational costs.
Only the most urgent needs were accounted for in this year’s budget, covering government’s basic legal obligations, such as the payment of salaries, keeping the offices open and providing the necessary services to the public, Commissioner Zagers said during the budget’s presentation. The budget lacks the means for structural investments and the upkeep of infrastructure.
Commissioner Zagers: “Hopefully the negotiations with the new Dutch Government will bring structural solutions for the structural financial problems. However, we are very appreciative for this support. It is another confirmation of the good relationship which has been built based on respect and trust between Saba and the Netherlands. And, it confirms the ‘More for more’ approach of State Secretary Knops.”